Put Your Brain to Work for You

brain efficiency at work

Your brain is a 3-pound organ inside your head that tells you what to do. It controls everything about your life: your movement, your memory, your moods, your senses, your speech, your sleep, and even involuntary functions like breathing, digesting, and circulation. It is a magnificent, complex bundle of wires that scientists have barely begun to understand.

When it comes to our work lives, we can either choose to work with our brain’s natural systems or in opposition to them. Ever feel like you’re falling asleep at your desk, or you just can’t focus on that project that’s been looming? It may be because your happy hour lasted a little too long the night before–or it may be because your work environment is in direct conflict with the way your brain is wired. If you’d like to unlock your potential for focus, motivation, problem-solving, and creativity on the job, you need to work with the brain in mind.Continue reading