The Mental Game of Business: How Golf Psychology Can Improve Your Decision-Making

The Mental Game of Business: How Golf Psychology Can Improve Your Decision-Making

We all know that golf and business go hand in hand. But did you know that you can use principles from the sport – including golf psychology – to improve your business decision-making?

Golf is about much more than just swinging your clubs. When you really get down to the core of it, golf is about mental resilience, focus, and the ability to make smart decisions in pressured situations.

In the business world, these traits set you apart. So next time you’re on the golf course, remember that you’re also using valuable golf psychology to improve your decision-making, focus, and cognitive skills. Here’s how.


The Parallels Between Golf and Business

At first glance, golf and business might seem worlds apart, even though business is done on the golf course so often! But dig a little deeper, and you’ll find that they’re a lot more similar than they initially seem… And both build on the foundations of problem-solving and decision-making.

As a golfer stands on the tee, he needs to decide on how to play the shot. Likewise, business people need to strategize smartly in order to forge ahead. Both require effective pressure management, smart strategy, and capitalizing on opportunities.

Strategy and Planning

In golf, each shot requires a bit of strategic thinking, from tee to green. You need to think a few moves ahead, factoring in things like wind, terrain, and course hazards.

Business isn’t all that different. Leaders need to think strategically about each deal every step of the way. Factors to keep an eye on include market trends, what the competition is doing, and potential risks.

Risk vs. Reward

On the golf course, you’ll inevitably come up against risk/reward shots. Here, you’ll need to choose between playing it safe or taking a risk that could either lead to an even greater reward or to losing a ball.

In business, you need to weigh up the pros and cons of each move, whether it’s an investment opportunity, a potential new partnership, or budgeting. Do the potential returns outweigh the risks?

Continuous Improvement

Golfers need to continuously work on their game if they want any hope of improving their handicap. This might involve investing in coaching, practicing often, and getting feedback on their swing.

Similarly, business people should be constantly striving to get better at what they do. Learning new things, honing existing skills, and being open to feedback are essential to improve.

Dealing With Setbacks

Golfers can’t let one bad shot ruin their whole round. Business people can’t let one failed deal ruin their flow. Both golfers and business people need to be able to handle setbacks with mental strength.

Patience and Persistence

Both becoming a better golfer and becoming a better businessperson require effort and patience. Building a good handicap and building a business take constant work.

Resource Management

On the golf course, you’ve got to choose every golf club carefully based on the shot you’re taking. In the business world, it’s all about allocating resources intelligently, whether it’s capital, time, or manpower.

Start-up GraphIntegrity and Ethics

Golf isn’t called a gentleman’s game for nothing. Golfers are expected to be honest about their scores and follow the rules even when nobody else is watching. In the same vein, companies are expected to maintain ethical standards, be transparent, and act with integrity.


Things can change fast on the golf course. Golfers need to be able to adapt to sudden challenges, like wind, other weather, or unexpected hazards. In business, being able to adapt and pivot is crucial in the case of sudden changes in the market or unexpected challenges.


What Is Golf Psychology?

Golf psychology is all about optimizing your mental state to boost your performance on the golf course. While there is some physical aspect to the game, it’s largely about mental toughness, focus, and resilience. It comes down to a few key factors:

Applying Golf Psychology to Business

Did you know that Oprah Winfrey credits a lot of her business success to visualization… a secret she learned from sports psychology? And she’s not the only business leader who’s used sports-related psychology to get ahead in their field. Here’s how to apply golf psychology to business and start seeing your own success.

The Power of Focus and Concentration

Golfers know that you can’t sink a putt when you’re distracted. And businessmen know that you can’t close a deal if your mind is somewhere else. Distracted decisions lead to missed putts… Or lost deals. Boost your concentration by:

Mindfulness and Emotional Control

Mindfulness is all about being mentally present in the moment. It ties in closely with focus—being able to silence all distractions and focus on what you have to do in the moment. Use mindfulness to your advantage by:

Creating Your Decision-Making Routine

Some golfers have a pre-shot routine; a little shuffle, a tap on the ground, a shake of the head. It might be more mental than physical on the course, but in business, having a pre-decision-making routine can be invaluable. It may include:

Achieve Success Via Golf Psychology

Whether you’re heading to the course for a round or going into the boardroom for a business meeting, having clear, defined goals is the foundation for success. Here’s how:


Ready to start putting your golf psychology to good use in the office and not just on the course? Use this as an excuse to get out on the golf course more often if you like, but don’t just swing away without thought or consideration. Consider the psychology of the game carefully and take those skills from the fairways to the boardroom to boost your business decision-making skills.

About the Author
Jordan Fuller is a retired golfer and businessman. When he’s not on the course working on his own game or mentoring young golfers, he writes in-depth articles for his website, Golf Influence.

How to Use Foresight to Avoid Marketing Disasters and Delight Your Customers

How to Use Foresight to Avoid Marketing Disasters and Delight Your Customers

In an era where change is the only constant, digital marketing is no exception to the rule.

As businesses all over the globe embrace this virtual era, the realm of marketing has also experienced a paradigm shift. Today’s discerning consumers demand more than just products or services; they seek an exceptional experience that is customized, convenient, and value-driven.

The challenge for businesses, then, is not only to fulfill these expectations but also to anticipate them.

That’s where the power of foresight comes into play.

Foresight in digital marketing is the ability to predict and prepare for future trends, challenges, and opportunities. It acts as an invisible compass, guiding marketers toward sustainable success while avoiding potential disasters.

This article explores how the implementation of strategic foresight in digital marketing can ensure business resilience and customer delight.

What Is Strategic Foresight?

Strategic foresight, an innovative business discipline that has grown in popularity over the last two decades, refers to the systematic anticipation and preparation for future trends, opportunities, and challenges.

Essentially, strategic foresight involves a shift from reactive decision-making to proactive planning, bridging the gap between the present and the future.

The Global Strategic Foresight Community established in 2014 recognized its importance as a tool for long-term planning, risk management, and opportunity recognition. This community emphasizes the use of strategic foresight to anticipate changes in the business environment, allowing organizations to pivot or innovate effectively.

Strategic foresight is particularly beneficial for companies operating in rapidly evolving sectors such as technology, healthcare, and eCommerce. It aids them in staying ahead of the curve by spotting emerging trends and potential disruptions early on.

Businesses spanning industries—from tech giants like Google and Apple to consumer goods companies such as Procter & Gamble—have all integrated strategic foresight into their planning and decision-making processes.

Even small businesses and startups are starting to see the value of this approach, as it equips them with the tools to navigate uncertainty and shape their future.

With its critical role in facilitating resilience and innovation, strategic foresight is transforming the way we approach planning and strategy in the 21st century. It arms businesses with the capacity to:

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Foresight Approaches for Avoiding Marketing Disasters

There are several key approaches to utilizing strategic foresight to avoid marketing disasters and ensure customer delight:

#1 Customer-Centricity

One of the most effective approaches to avoiding marketing disasters is by prioritizing a customer-centric mindset. This means understanding your target audience, their needs, preferences, and pain points.

By conducting thorough market research, engaging in customer feedback mechanisms, and leveraging data analytics, you can tailor your marketing strategies to align with customer expectations. This customer-centric approach reduces the risk of misalignment, enhances customer satisfaction, and minimizes the chances of a marketing disaster.

For example, Shopify integrations provide businesses with robust data analytics capabilities, including customer segmentation, purchase behavior analysis, and demographic insights. By utilizing these tools, businesses can conduct thorough market research and gain a deeper understanding of their target audience.

#2 Horizon Scanning

Horizon scanning is a vital component of strategic foresight in digital marketing. It involves systematically monitoring the external environment to identify emerging trends, technologies, and societal shifts that could impact your industry or target market.

By staying ahead of the curve, you can proactively adjust your marketing strategies and capitalize on emerging opportunities while avoiding potential disasters.

Horizon scanning techniques include:

# 3 Scenario Planning

Scenario planning is a powerful tool for envisioning alternative futures and their potential implications. It involves developing multiple plausible scenarios based on different assumptions and drivers of change.

By exploring these scenarios, businesses can identify potential marketing disasters and devise strategies to mitigate their impact. Scenario planning also helps in identifying emerging customer needs and developing innovative solutions to meet them.

#4 Collaborative Foresight

To enhance your foresight capabilities, it is essential to involve cross-functional teams and stakeholders in the process. Collaborative foresight brings together diverse perspectives and expertise, enabling a holistic understanding of potential risks and opportunities.

By involving representatives from marketing, product development, sales, customer service, and other relevant departments, you can uncover blind spots, challenge assumptions, and develop more robust strategies. This collaborative approach fosters a shared understanding of the market landscape, aligns organizational goals, and reduces the likelihood of marketing disasters.

#5 Crisis Preparedness

Despite the best efforts, unexpected crises may still arise. To mitigate the impact of potential marketing disasters, it is crucial to have a crisis preparedness plan in place. This plan should outline the steps to be taken in the event of a crisis, including communication protocols, crisis response teams, and contingency measures.

By anticipating potential crises, preparing response strategies, and conducting simulations or drills, you can minimize the damage caused by unforeseen events. A well-prepared crisis response plan helps you maintain trust, transparency, and credibility with your customers, even during challenging times.


Retail sales


Wrapping Up

In today’s volatile digital marketing landscape, foresight is no longer a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have. Implementing foresight in your digital marketing strategy can help avoid potential marketing disasters and delight your customers with unmatched experiences.

It is important to remember that foresight doesn’t guarantee certainty. However, it provides a lens to view potential futures, giving you the best chance to navigate your way to success. It’s about creating a proactive, adaptable, and customer-focused approach that sets your business up for sustainable growth.

Franchise Marketing Systems for the Digital Age: Embracing Change and Innovation

Franchise Marketing Systems for the Digital Age: Embracing Change and Innovation

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, traditional advertising and marketing strategies for franchises are undergoing a profound transformation. Today, franchises must adapt to changing consumer behavior and leverage digital tools to stay relevant and competitive. Enter franchise marketing systems. Franchise systems are the comprehensive frameworks designed to streamline marketing efforts, maintain brand consistency, and drive local engagement. In this article, we will delve into the concept of franchise marketing systems for the digital age. We will explore the key elements, benefits, and strategies that empower franchises to thrive in the modern business landscape.

Understanding Franchise Marketing Systems

Franchise marketing systems are strategic frameworks designed to create cohesion and consistency across a franchise network’s marketing efforts. In fact, they establish standardized guidelines, tools, and processes that ensure a unified brand identity and message. Franchise standards allow localized marketing initiatives. Offering many advantages, these systems are especially vital for franchises with multiple locations, as they help maintain a consistent brand experience across diverse markets while accommodating regional differences.


Key Elements of Franchise Marketing Systems


Brand Identity and Guidelines

To begin with, a well-defined brand identity and guidelines are at the core of every franchise marketing system. These guidelines encompass elements like brand colors, logos, typography, tone of voice, and overall brand messaging. By adhering to these guidelines, franchisees can maintain a consistent brand image that customers recognize and trust, regardless of location.


Marketing Collateral and Assets

Next, you’ll find that franchise marketing systems provide access to a centralized repository of marketing collateral and assets. This repository typically includes templates for advertisements, brochures, social media graphics, and other promotional materials. Franchisees can customize these materials with localized information while adhering to brand guidelines, ensuring a consistent look and feel across the franchise network.


Localized Marketing Capabilities

While brand consistency is crucial, franchise marketing systems also recognize the importance of localized marketing efforts. Franchisees can leverage the system to create targeted campaigns catering to their local audience’s preferences and interests. This flexibility lets franchises connect with customers personally, fostering stronger relationships and driving local engagement.


Jemully Restaurant
Jemully Restaurant


Benefits of Franchise Marketing Systems


Brand Consistency and Recognition


Kicking of the list of advantages, one of the primary advantages of franchise marketing systems is their ability to ensure brand consistency and recognition. Maintaining a consistent brand identity builds consumer trust and reinforces the franchise’s reputation. Customers who encounter a familiar brand experience across different locations are more likely to choose the franchise over competitors.


Cost Efficiency

Then, you’ll appreciate the franchise marketing systems offer cost efficiency by centralizing marketing efforts and providing standardized templates and assets. Franchisees can save time creating marketing materials from scratch, which can be time-consuming and expensive. Instead, they can utilize pre-approved fabrics, conserving resources while maintaining brand consistency.


Time Savings and Streamlined Processes

Consider, franchise marketing systems significantly reduce the time and effort required to execute marketing campaigns. Franchisees can access pre-designed materials, marketing calendars, and automation tools, streamlining the entire process from planning to execution. This efficiency allows franchisees to focus more on customer interactions and business growth.


Enhanced Local Engagement

While maintaining brand consistency, franchise marketing systems provide flexibility for localized marketing initiatives. Franchisees can tailor their campaigns to suit the preferences and needs of their local audience, resulting in increased engagement and a stronger connection with customers.


Data-Driven Insights

Not to be overlooked, many franchise marketing systems incorporate analytics and reporting tools, providing valuable data-driven insights. Franchisees can track the performance of their marketing efforts, measure key performance indicators (KPIs), and make informed decisions based on data. This data-driven approach allows franchises to improve their marketing strategies and optimize their results continually.


Strategies for Implementing Franchise Marketing Systems in the Digital Age


To fully harness the potential of franchise marketing systems in the digital age, franchisors and franchisees should consider the following strategies:


Embrace Digital Marketing Channels

And now, the digital age offers an array of marketing channels, including social media, search engine marketing, email campaigns, and influencer marketing. Franchise marketing systems should integrate these digital channels into their strategies to reach a broader audience and engage with customers online.


Invest in User-Friendly Marketing Platforms

User-friendly marketing platforms encompass various tools. These tools include content management systems (CMS), customer relationship management (CRM) software, and email automation. Such tools as these can simplify the marketing process for franchisees. Implementing these assests ensures seamless execution and consistency across all franchise locations.


Offer Training and Support

Effective implementation of franchise marketing systems requires proper training and ongoing support for franchisees. Providing comprehensive training on using the system and its marketing tools empowers franchisees to execute campaigns efficiently while adhering to brand guidelines.


Monitor and Measure Performance

Regular monitoring and measurement of marketing campaigns are critical for success. Franchise marketing systems should incorporate analytics tools to track the performance of various marketing initiatives. Importantly, analyzing data allows franchisees to identify successful strategies. Data also allows the owner to make data-driven decisions to optimize their future efforts.


Foster Collaboration and Communication

Open communication and collaboration between franchisors and franchisees are essential for successful marketing campaigns. Regular meetings, webinars, and forums provide a platform for sharing insights, best practices, and success stories, fostering a strong community within the franchise network.



In the dynamic and ever-changing digital age, franchise marketing systems have emerged as indispensable tools for franchises to navigate the complexities of modern marketing. By creating brand consistency while allowing localized engagement, these systems strike the perfect balance for franchise success. The benefits of franchise marketing systems, including brand recognition, cost efficiency, time savings, and enhanced local engagement, highlight their transformative potential in the digital landscape.

As franchisors and franchisees embrace change and innovation, incorporating digital marketing channels and user-friendly platforms, they can effectively leverage franchise marketing systems to drive business growth and seize new opportunities in the digital age. By fostering collaboration, monitoring performance, and offering comprehensive training, franchisees can ensure that their marketing efforts remain relevant, impactful, and successful in evolving consumer behavior and technology trends.

In conclusion, franchise marketing systems serve as the catalysts that empower franchises to thrive in the dynamic digital landscape, creating a future where brand consistency, localized engagement, and innovation coexist harmoniously to maximize franchise opportunities and drive sustainable growth.

How Can Businesses Support the Move to Remote Working?

How Can Businesses Support the Move to Remote Working?

In recent years there has been a dramatic shift in working patterns for millions of staff worldwide. The first main indication of this change happened out of necessity rather than choice, as the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 forced businesses to adapt quickly to movement restrictions placed upon populations by governments. 

To slow the spread of the virus and to protect essential healthcare facilities from being overburdened, millions needed to stay home. Businesses reacted to this by allowing remote work for their staff members. Many companies had to learn how to set up remote workers. Others learned some of the problematic things about team members working outside the office. Cloud-based applications, video conferencing software, and remote access were crucial in this transition. 

Today in 2023, millions of workers enjoy remote or hybrid working models. This article discusses ways businesses support the long-term move to remote working models while ensuring business continuity and productivity remain high. 


Use internet-based telephony systems.

One of the critical challenges to remote working is older office-based telephone systems. Designed to be used by staff in one physical workspace, these systems use a network of copper wire to make and receive calls. This hard-wired device is challenging to upgrade to support remote working.

However, to make the transition effortless, switch to session internet protocol (SIP) telephony systems. Many people ask: “What is SIP trunking?” as the terminology is unknown. SIP trunking uses internet-based connections rather than physical networks to make and receive calls. 

These internet-based networks are easily modified to re-route calls to employees’ phones and support text and video chat. With Internet-based technologies, remote staff remain in contact with other staff and broader stakeholders.


Eliminate silo working risks.

One of the critical threats that remote working poses is the risk of creating a culture of silo working. This is where individuals are reluctant to share information with the broader team or need to be made aware of the progress made by other staff on a project, which leads to the duplication of work. 

In short, silo working damages an organization’s productivity and create a toxic working culture. Thankfully, technology minimizes these risks in a remote workforce. 

By using a mix of project management software, team communication apps, and video conferring platforms, enable progress in specific tasks and communicate more effectively. Click here for examples of task management apps that ensure coordinated working from team member

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Jemully team meetings


Hold occasional team activities in a shared location

While remote working is highly effective in most instances, and is, in fact, even favored by many staff members, there are still benefits from having occasional team-building meetings in a shared physical location.

Team building can be hard to cultivate and improve without in-person contact between staff members. It is a good business practice to hold a staff “away day” twice a year where people can communicate directly with each other and improve their working relationships.

These events should contain fun team-building activities encouraging collaboration, problem-solving, and discussion.

Digital Solutions for a Manual Business

Digital Solutions for a Manual Business

When your business specializes in manual labor related services, like construction, you may believe that much of the conversation around digital marketing does not apply to you. However, you may be pleased to learn that there are areas of online marketing that can prove to be beneficial to your business. Like other businesses, your labor services need consistent branding offline as well and online. And, establishing a digital footprint will increase your audience awareness and translate into more customers.

To guide you in ways to utilize digital technologies, we recommend using some of the tools available online. Using every tool at your disposal can help your business reach its full potential, regardless of whether you initially think a tool applies to you.

Marketing Tools for Manual Labor Businesses


Social Media

First, we recommend that you take advantage of the digital marketing tools available online. For example, you’re likely already using social media. However, you may not be utilizing your social media pages with consistent posting and engagement. It’s true that social media is a handy tool for businesses. It is a free platform that connects you with a range of audiences. From existing customers to potential customers, you can create messages that connect with the right groups in your social media platforms. Often overlooked, is the use of social medial to reach your local audience and drive them to your website. Your social media pages provide additional links to your website. Social links to your site connect promotional offers in greater detail than can be shared on a social media post. 


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In contrast to social media, you may not be utilizing all the benefits that come from search engine optimization (SEO). SEO can be complicated. It requires both time and talent to optimize the pages of your website in order to get organic traffic from search engines. At the same time, SEO is a powerful digital tool that your construction business should take advantage of. If you are trying to reach a local audience or a larger audience, there are some SEO tactics you should employ.

SEO is a slower process that social media marketing, but SEO helps your website rise above your competition on the search engines. So think of the benefit of SEO this way. Your business has many competitors. When a potential customer goes online to search for a construction company,  the customer chooses one brand over another based on where they are listed in the search results page. SEO helps your company climb higher on the search results page. Tools like SEO enable one company to gain that edge in visibility over another company.


Finding the Right Professionals

While you may like the idea of being able to do everything yourself, that won’t often work out how you want. That’s okay. You are the professionals in your field. However, when you need help with other aspects – bringing the pros with the know-how and experience to round out the edges can often be the best call.

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Jemully Web Dev Professionals

Marketing and Web Development Pros

You want your brand to be impeccable. To achieve this goal, you must instill quality in every aspect of your service. From customer service, to sales, and from accounting to marketing, your service must consistently be top notch. Another example is your website. A digital destination that isn’t visually appealing or intuitive can deter customers from wanting to know more about it, which can be rectified with the right professionals. Still, you must also know why certain things are effective, and others aren’t.

Financial Pros

Looking internally, however, can draw your attention to issues like finance. Now, finance in business is something that requires a knowledgeable mind, even when speaking broadly. While it might be something that you’re thinking of handling yourself, this isn’t an area in which you want to find yourself making mistakes, and that means looking to accountants for help. However, construction finances is a specialized field in and of itself, so knowing suitable professionals like those at New Lyfe Accounting can make all the difference between understanding your financial situation as thoroughly as possible and the alternative.

Don’t Overlook Audience Options – Customer Features and Service

While you might feel as though you only need what you currently have to do your job effectively, it’s also worth considering how you can improve the service you provide for the sake of the customer. After all, if the customer feels they can experience a more favorable transaction with one of your competitors, that might be what convinces them to switch. Operating online often means offering conveniences – such as how specific venues and businesses might provide an option to book online instead of through phone or email.

Once again, overhauling your website to offer your customers more features and customization likely requires technically-minded professionals. Even if it means you must become more acquainted with how that works, it’s a leap that can become enormously beneficial. This means you have to hire some people ready to deal with these new aspects of your website, as otherwise, you may not find your current team able to handle the additional load.

Digital Security Options

Lastly, as you look at the digital tools you may need to operate professionally, online security deserves some consideration. As you deal with customers’ confidential information – both in terms of your business documentation and the sensitive data you’re handling from customers. You want to ensure your data and documentation is as protected as possible. The protection extends from accidents to malicious attacks. To that end, seeking out software and digital professionals who can bolster your defenses and inform you of any breaches, is a must. Along those lines, cloud technology is worth considering.

In conclusion, developing an online presence of a secure professional website that is optimized for good search engine results will serve your construction company well. In addition, maintain a robust social media presence that links back to your website and attracts new audiences. The time you invest to learning more about the ways to enhance your online presence will serve your business well and help you be more successful overall.

Exploring the Different Marketing Methods in 2023

Exploring the Different Marketing Methods in 2023

Welcome to 2023, a year that’s unfolding with the potential to reshape the business. Innovation races forward, consumer behavior shifts, and the marketing world keenly adapt. The hottest marketing trends and marketing methods promise to blend modern, high-tech strategies and timeless, proven tactics. There needs to be more time to delve into what these methods entail and their impacts on various business landscapes.

To begin with, let’s fasten our seatbelts and prepare for an enlightening journey into the heart of 2023’s marketing arena. This deep dive promises to unveil the tactics worth investing time and resources into, which could deliver a significant return on investment and potentially revolutionize how businesses connect with consumers. As you will see, from cutting-edge digital marketing trends to the surprising resilience of traditional methods, this exploration of marketing in 2023 promises to be insightful and actionable. Let’s set off on this thrilling journey.


The Power of Print

While not the main character in today’s marketing narrative, print has found its niche in the digital world. This dichotomy between traditional and digital gives it its unique appeal.

In 2023, the key to maximizing the impact of print media lies in strategic integration with digital efforts. QR codes, augmented reality (AR) features, billboards, or simple URLs in print ads can guide consumers to online platforms. Marketers can only engage audiences with information that fits into print ads.


Social Media Marketing’s Striking Evolution

Next, let’s shift gears and talk about social media, the marketing darling of the last decade. Businesses realize the potential of social media as a platform for customer service and engagement. Replying to comments, addressing concerns promptly, or sharing user-generated content adds a personal touch.

Newer platforms such as TikTok have become indispensable parts of a comprehensive marketing plan, each with its distinct user base and content styles. It’s a riveting game of knowing where the target audience is and tailoring messages to engage them effectively.

Jemully augmented reality shopping
Jemully augmented reality shopping

E-commerce and Influencer Collaborations

Undoubtedly, every conversation about 2023 marketing methods must recognize the meteoric rise of e-commerce and the role influencers play. These collaborations provide a win-win scenario for all parties. Brands get exposure, influencers get sponsorship, and consumers get products they trust from personalities they admire.

With this in mind, brands are still looking at partnerships and creating customized online shopping experiences using VR and AR technologies. Consumers can “try” products virtually before purchasing, creating a fun, interactive, and engaging shopping experience.


SEO and Content Marketing: Methods that are Oldies but Goldies

All in all, the adage “content is king” still holds water. High-quality, SEO-optimised content continues to be a primary driver for organic traffic. Google’s algorithm updates require marketers to stay on their heels, optimizing their content to remain relevant and visible. For example, both local businesses and businesses with a national focus benefit from adopting SEO best practices.

Content marketing has become more interactive and multi-dimensional, with infographics, podcasts, webinars, and more. Gone are the days of the monotonous 500-word blog post. Variety is indeed the spice of content marketing life in 2023!



The exploration of the diverse marketing methods of 2023 draws to a close with some noteworthy observations. A critical element that emerges across these techniques is the ongoing evolution and amalgamation of digital and traditional methods. Altogether, this progression, driven by technological advancements and a dynamic consumer landscape, dictates the current marketing scenario.

Far from a one-track approach, a broad perspective appears essential for success in 2023. The ability to adapt to changes, navigate challenges, and push forward is crucial. As the marketing world continues, standing still doesn’t cut it. The focus must be ongoing learning, adaptation, and willingness to embrace new opportunities.

Beyond Skyscrapers: Exploring Modern Architectural Icons

Beyond Skyscrapers: Exploring Modern Architectural Icons

In the ever-evolving world of architecture, some buildings transcend the ordinary and become symbols of human ingenuity and creativity. Skyscrapers have long been synonymous with modern architecture. However, there is a fascinating realm beyond them, where innovative designs and visionary concepts redefine the essence of a building’s purpose.

In this blog post, we will embark on a journey to explore some of the most captivating modern architectural icons that have reshaped the world’s urban landscapes and captured the imagination of millions.

Burj Khalifa, 2021
Burj Khalifa, 2021 (Photo Credit: WikiCommons)

Burj Khalifa

To begin, no exploration of modern architectural icons would be complete without mentioning the awe-inspiring Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE. Soaring at a staggering height of 828 meters (2,717 feet), it holds the title of the tallest building globally. This is truly a testament to human ambition and engineering prowess.

Designed by Adrian Smith of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, the Burj Khalifa’s sleek, tapering structure rises gracefully from the desert sands. Without mistake, when gazing upon the design, one cannot help but feel the sense of grandeur. Its exterior features a combination of glass and stainless steel,. The building reflects the changing hues of the desert sun and the azure sky, creating a captivating spectacle.

Lotus Temple, 2022
Lotus Temple, 2022 (Photo Credit: WikiCommons)

The Lotus Temple

Next, as we move away from the skyscraper typology, the Lotus Temple in New Delhi, India, is a serene and unique architectural marvel. Shaped like a blooming lotus flower, Fariborz Sahba designed the temple and served as the Bahá’í House of Worship.

Composed of 27 free-standing marble-clad “petals,” the building symbolizes purity, peace, and unity. With its emphasis on harmony with nature, the Lotus Temple beckons visitors of all faiths to contemplate and find solace amidst its tranquil ambiance.

Eden Project, 2018
Eden Project, 2018 (Photo Credit: WikiCommons)

The Eden Project

Venturing into the heart of Cornwall, England, we encounter the Eden Project, a groundbreaking ecological attraction designed by Sir Nicholas Grimshaw. Comprising a set of enormous geodesic domes, the project is home to the world’s largest indoor rainforest.

Undoubtedly, these iconic biomes house an astounding variety of plant species from diverse climates. To that end, they serve as living laboratories for ecological research and education. The Eden Project highlights the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable design. Visitors are inspired  to connect profoundly with the natural world.

Walt Disney Concert Hall
Walt Disney Concert Hall (Photo Credit: WikiCommons)

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Architect Frank Gehry’s brilliance shines through in the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, USA. Renowned for its undulating stainless steel facade, the building celebrates fluidity and movement. The design itself reflects Gehry’s vision of music in physical form.

As home to the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the concert hall boasts exceptional acoustics and a visually stunning interior that complements the exterior’s dynamic design. This architectural gem is a testament to the seamless integration of art, music, and architecture.. 

Qatar National Museum
Qatar National Museum (Photo Credit: WikiCommons)

The National Museum of Qatar

Zaha Hadid Architects’ masterpiece, the National Museum of Qatar, is an architectural gem that pays homage to the country’s cultural heritage. Inspired by the desert rose, a mineral formation in Qatar’s arid regions, the building’s interlocking discs, and curvilinear forms create an otherworldly landscape.

The museum’s exhibitions and galleries chronicle the nation’s history, art, and traditions, immersing visitors in Qatar’s rich past while being surrounded by an exquisite architectural marvel of the present.

Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa
Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Photo Credit: WikiCommons)

The Zeitz MOCAA

Uniquely, The Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (MOCAA) in Cape Town, South Africa, is housed within a transformed grain silo complex. Designed by architect Thomas Heatherwick, the structure’s most striking feature is the extraordinary atrium, carved from the original concrete tubes of the silos.

The building’s repurposed design is a poignant symbol of urban regeneration and transformation. As one of the world’s largest contemporary art museums, Zeitz MOCAA showcases the work of African artists, making it a cultural beacon in the continent’s heart.

Shanghai, China, 2015
Shanghai, China, 2015 (Photo Credit: WikiCommons)

The Shanghai Tower

Finally, as we complete our journey with a return to skyscrapers, the Shanghai Tower in China stands tall as a sustainable design and functionality masterpiece. Gensler designed this 632-meter (2,073-foot) tower stands in the heart of Shanghai’s Lujiazui district. The tower’s twisting form reduces wind loads and optimizes energy efficiency.

It features nine vertical zones. Additionally, each zone serves as a self-contained city with offices, hotels, retail spaces, and gardens. This innovative approach to urban density makes the Shanghai Tower an exemplar of the future of urban living.


Without question, modern architecture continues to evolve and push boundaries, as shown by some of the most iconic structures of our time. Beyond the dazzling heights of skyscrapers, architects have truly flexed their creative muscles with buildings like the Lotus Temple and the Shanghai Tower. These structures are breathtakingly beautiful and represent the epitome of sustainable innovation.

Looking ahead, it is exciting to envision what new icons will emerge, especially with the use of welding technology, which is revolutionizing the construction industry. Undoubtedly, future architects will continue to dream up awe-inspiring designs that capture our imagination and change our world.

For further reading, check out our category that covers industry-related topics of oil and gas, real estate, and law.

The Role of APIs in Website Integration and Seamless Connections

The Role of APIs in Website Integration and Seamless Connections

The digital age has brought about a paradigm shift in how businesses function. In this new reality, websites have ascended to become critical elements of the corporate infrastructure. Not just static pages, modern websites have transformed into dynamic, interactive platforms that act as virtual representations of a business in the online world. Seamless integration and effortless connectivity between these websites and other digital media have also grown.

Behind this facade of seamless digital interaction, a robust system works tirelessly, making these complex connections possible. The true wizards behind this technological marvel are Application Programming Interfaces, commonly known as APIs. These are the gatekeepers and facilitators of the modern digital landscape, enabling software applications to interact, share data, and function harmoniously. APIs might seem arcane in the grand scheme of things, but their role is central to the digital experience we often take for granted. So, let’s embark on a journey to demystify APIs and delve into their compelling world.

APIs: Decoding their Intricacies

Often overlooked, APIs serve as invaluable contributors to digital technology. They mediate between software applications, facilitating dialogue and promoting data exchange and functionality. Recently, APIs have emerged as pivotal instruments in website integration, enabling smooth connectivity across various platforms.

Are you familiar with the term API management solutions? These nifty tools monitor and control APIs within a secured environment. Essentially, they establish a connection between diverse software applications, enabling dialogue and data exchange.

API management solutions can simplify integration, offering proficient control over the API ecosystem. They manage, secure, and scale APIs across multiple platforms, assuring fluid connection and communication amongst different applications.

Fuelling Integration and Connectivity

APIs are essential driving forces behind website integration. They provide the foundational elements facilitating interactions and information sharing between software programs, resulting in fluid connections across various platforms. Whether it’s the integration of social media feeds on a website or facilitating online transactions, APIs are the fulcrum that keeps everything running smoothly.

Further, APIs allow websites to draw real-time data from multiple sources, making the content dynamic and personalized. From providing live weather updates to the latest stock market trends, APIs work tirelessly to keep your website current, relevant, and connected.

Jemully exploring e-commerce
Jemully exploring e-commerce

Enhancing the User Experience

An efficiently integrated website is inconsequential if it fails to deliver a superior user experience. APIs step in here as well. By enabling the integration of various services and platforms, APIs amplify the user experience on a website.

Consider, for example, a customer exploring an e-commerce website. APIs can provide features like live order tracking, online payment options, and customer reviews. All these elements converge to create a fluent and enjoyable shopping experience for the customer.


In conclusion, the importance of APIs in website integration and fluid connections should be more emphasized. They form the invisible task force working relentlessly to ensure a seamless and efficient digital experience, whether for the end-user or the business proprietor. By harnessing the power of APIs and API management solutions, businesses can fuel integration, augment user experiences, and maintain connectivity in the digital sphere.

Indeed, we live in an exciting era, with APIs spearheading the move towards a more cohesive and connected future. Ultimately, in the digital realm, connectivity and integration are not mere luxuries but fundamental requirements.

Bonus Note about Integration

If you are looking for other ways to integrate your digital footprint, a digital dashboard is one way to pull all of the data and stats from your website and social media into one interface. Here is our recently trending article on Digital Dashboards.

8 Types of Content Marketing

8 Types of Content Marketing

8 Types of Content Marketing and How Your Business Can Use Each One

Content marketing is a marketing strategy. It involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content. Its purpose is to attract and retain a clearly defined target audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. This type of marketing is designed to educate, engage, and entertain your target audience. Subsequently, content marketing provides them with information that helps them make informed decisions about your products or services. Additionally, content marketing boosts your authority within your industry.

A business should use several different types of content marketing.

1 – Blogging

First, let’s start with the thing most commonly thought of as content marketing – blogging. Blogging is a form of content marketing that involves writing articles on your website designed to educate, inform, and engage your target audience. Businesses can use blogs to share news, tips, and insights about their industry, products, or services.

A business can effectively leverage its blog to answer search engine queries by creating content that aligns with the questions and topics that users are searching for. To that end, we recommend conducting thorough keyword research and understanding your target audience’s search intent. By engaging in this effort, your business can optimize its blog posts to provide valuable and relevant information.

Initially, the business should identify common search queries related to its industry or niche. These queries are found by using keyword research tools or analyzing the search suggestions provided by search engines. Once you identify the relevant queries, the business can create blog posts that directly address those questions. The content should be well-structured, comprehensive, and written in an informal but informative style.

Furthermore, it is crucial to optimize blog posts for search engine visibility. This optimization process involves weaving the target keywords naturally into the content. Besides using keywords in the body, look for natural way to include them in headings, subheadings, and meta tags. Additionally, the business should focus on providing accurate and up-to-date information, as search engines prioritize high-quality content. Therefore, by consistently producing blog posts that directly answer search queries, the business can increase its visibility.  Over time, you will see improve in page rank on search engine results pages, attract organic traffic, and establish the business as a trusted resource in the industry.

2 – Infographics

Infographics are visual representations of data or information designed to be easily understood and shared. Businesses can use infographics to communicate complex ideas, data, or statistics in an engaging and easily digestible format. In fact, we have included an infographic for you at the end of this article!

Creating infographics to communicate complex ideas effectively is a valuable strategy for businesses seeking to engage their audience visually. The process begins by identifying the critical information you want to convey and determining the most appropriate visual elements to represent that data. Through careful analysis and research, the business can gather relevant statistics, facts, and figures that support its message.

Next, the business should organize the information logically and coherently, ensuring that the infographic flows smoothly from one concept to another. This content organization involves structuring the content into sections or categories and arranging it to be visually appealing. The business can then provide explanations, captions, or labels to accompany each visual element, aiding in comprehending the complex ideas presented.

8 Types of Content Marketing and How Your Business Can Use Each One Content marketing is a marketing strategy that involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined target audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. This type of marketing, designed to educate, engage, and entertain your target audience, provides them with information that helps them make informed decisions about your products or services. A business should use several different types of content marketing. 1 - Blogging Blogging is a form of content marketing that involves writing articles on your website designed to educate, inform, and engage your target audience. Businesses can use blogs to share news, tips, and insights about their industry, products, or services. A business can effectively leverage its blog to answer search engine queries by creating content that aligns with the questions and topics that users are searching for. By conducting thorough keyword research and understanding the target audience's search intent, the business can optimize its blog posts to provide valuable and relevant information. Initially, the business should identify common search queries related to its industry or niche. These queries are found by using keyword research tools or analyzing the search suggestions provided by search engines. Once you identify the relevant queries, the business can create blog posts that directly address those questions. The content should be well-structured, comprehensive, and written in an informal but informative style. Furthermore, it is crucial to optimize blog posts for search engine visibility. This SEO process involves incorporating the target keywords naturally into the content, including them in headings, subheadings, and meta tags. Additionally, the business should focus on providing accurate and up-to-date information, as search engines prioritize high-quality content. By consistently producing informative and authoritative blog posts that directly answer search queries, the business can increase its visibility in search engine results pages, attract organic traffic, and establish itself as a trusted resource in the industry. 2 - Infographics Infographics are visual representations of data or information designed to be easily understood and shared. Businesses can use infographics to communicate complex ideas, data, or statistics in an engaging and easily digestible format. Creating infographics to communicate complex ideas effectively is a valuable strategy for businesses seeking to engage their audience visually. The process begins by identifying the critical information you want to convey and determining the most appropriate visual elements to represent that data. Through careful analysis and research, the business can gather relevant statistics, facts, and figures that support its message. Jemully 8 types of content marketing
Jemully 8 types of content marketing


3 – Video Marketing

Video marketing involves creating and sharing videos that promote your business, products, or services. It educates your target audience, demonstrates your products or services, and tells your brand’s story.

With dynamic visuals, animations, and storytelling techniques, the business can effectively communicate its key messages. Also, the business can provide detailed information about its products or services.

Secondly, video marketing allows the business to showcase its expertise and establish credibility among its target audience. By creating informative videos that address common pain points or offer valuable insights, the company can position itself as a trusted source of information.

Furthermore, video marketing lets the business personalize communication and tailor its message to specific audience segments. The company can address different customer groups through targeted video content. This targeting ensures the information is relevant and resonates with the intended audience.

Lastly, videos can be easily shared across various online platforms, social media channels, and websites, allowing the business to reach a wider audience. This shareability amplifies the impact of the information conveyed. Viewers can easily share the videos with their networks, thereby increasing brand exposure and awareness.

In conclusion, video marketing presents a powerful tool for businesses to inform their target audience. By creating engaging, credible, and personalized videos, businesses can effectively convey information, showcase expertise, and build strong connections. These connection with their audience, ultimately driving brand awareness, engagement, and business growth.

4 – E-books

Next, let’s turn our attention to a sometimes overlooked form of content marketing – e-books. E-books are long-form content that provides in-depth information about a particular topic. Businesses can use e-books to educate their target audience about their products or services, provide thought leadership on industry trends, or share best practices.

A business can follow a systematic approach to create e-books that educate the target audience. Firstly, perform research to identify the specific needs and interests of the target audience. This process includes understanding their pain points, questions, and areas where they seek knowledge. Based on this research, the business can outline the topics and critical issues to address in the e-books.

Next, the business can create engaging and informative content that aligns with the target audience’s preferences. Use language that is easy to understand. Also, incorporate visual aids such as images, graphs, and charts to enhance comprehension. The e-book is well-structured with a logical flow, allowing readers to navigate the content effortlessly.

Once you develop the content, focus on the design and layout of the e-book. Select an appealing cover and ensure consistency in font styles and sizes. Attention should be paid to the overall aesthetics of the e-book, making it visually pleasing and professional.

Lastly, the business should distribute the e-books through various channels, such as its website, social media platforms, or email newsletters, to reach the target audience effectively. Promote the e-book through targeted advertising, content marketing, or collaboration with influencers or industry experts.

5 – Case studies

Case studies illustrate the value and benefits of a particular product or service. Businesses can use case studies to demonstrate their products or services’ results for real customers, providing social proof and building trust with their target audience.

A business can utilize case studies effectively to demonstrate the results their products or services have delivered for real customers. Companies can actively showcase their offerings by employing case studies and presenting real-life scenarios where their solutions have made a tangible impact. These case studies provide concrete evidence and narratives that potential customers can relate to, enabling them to envision the benefits they could experience by utilizing the company’s products or services. Through dynamic storytelling, businesses can highlight customers’ specific challenges and demonstrate how their offerings successfully address them, leading to positive outcomes. This approach allows companies to present their value proposition engagingly and persuasively, illustrating their products’ or services’ effectiveness and value through real-world examples.

Jemully email content marketing
Jemully email content marketing


6 – Webinars

Webinars are live, interactive events broadcast over the internet. Businesses can use webinars to educate their target audience, answer questions, and demonstrate their expertise.

Businesses can effectively utilize webinars to educate their target audience, answer questions, and showcase their expertise. By hosting webinars, companies can directly engage with their audience, providing valuable information and insights in a dynamic and interactive format. They can present educational content, share industry trends, and offer practical tips, enhancing their audience’s knowledge and understanding. Additionally, webinars allow businesses to address specific participant questions, fostering a sense of connection and trust. Moreover, through live demonstrations and real-world examples, companies can effectively demonstrate their expertise, establishing themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields. Overall, webinars are a powerful tool for businesses to educate, engage, and impress their target audience.


7 – Social media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are powerful tools for content marketing. Businesses can use social media to share content, engage with their target audience, and build customer relationships.

A business can leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to actively share its content, engage with its target audience, and cultivate customer relationships. By regularly posting relevant and valuable content on these platforms, businesses can increase their brand visibility and attract potential customers. Furthermore, they can initiate conversations with their audience by responding to comments, messages, and mentions, fostering a sense of connection and building trust. Social media platforms also provide opportunities for businesses to gather feedback, conduct polls, and conduct market research, enabling them to better understand their customer’s preferences and needs. Through these platforms’ consistent and strategic use, businesses can establish a robust online presence, enhance customer loyalty, and drive growth.


8 – Email marketing

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that involves sending promotional emails to your target audience. Businesses can use email marketing to share content, promote their products or services, and build relationships with their target audience.

A business can utilize email marketing to build relationships and foster customer loyalty. Companies can effectively engage with their audience and establish a personalized connection by proactively reaching out to their customer base through targeted email campaigns. They can send regular updates, exclusive offers, and relevant content to keep customers informed and interested. This direct line of communication allows businesses to address customer concerns promptly and provide timely solutions, enhancing customer satisfaction and trust. Through consistent and valuable interactions via email, companies can cultivate a sense of loyalty and strengthen the bond with their customers, ultimately leading to increased customer retention and advocacy.


Putting it All Together For Success

In conclusion, content marketing is an effective way for businesses to attract and retain their target audience, build relationships, enhance SEO, and drive profitable customer action. By using various types of content marketing, businesses can reach their target audience in new and engaging ways, delivering valuable information that helps them make informed decisions about your products or services.

Bonus Infographic

Download the free “8 Types of Content Marketing” infographic.

Kit Mullins Author
Kit Mullins
About the Author

Kit Mullins, co-owner of Jemully Media, LLC, has been a leader in digital marketing for more than twenty years. A writer, designer, and developer, Kit enjoys travel, photography, and Bible study. With six kids and fifteen grandkids, she has no choice but to find ways to be creative.

Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Building a Strong Brand

Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Building a Strong Brand

The Power of Brand Identity: Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Building a Strong Brand

As you are well aware, the business landscape is highly competitive. Establishing a solid brand identity is crucial for small businesses to stand out. Undoubtedly, a brand identity is more than just a logo or a catchy tagline; it encompasses the core values, personality, and unique traits that differentiate a business from its competitors. Therefore, building a robust brand identity can increase customer loyalty, brand recognition, and a distinct market position. This article explores why small businesses should prioritize creating a solid brand identity and explore practical strategies to accomplish this goal. 

Differentiation in a Crowded Market:

To begin with, one of the primary advantages of a strong brand identity is the ability to differentiate your small business from others in the market. A well-defined brand helps you carve out a unique position, making it easier for customers to identify and remember your business amidst a sea of competitors. By showcasing your brand’s personality, values, and mission, you can create a compelling story that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart from generic alternatives. “Many business owners and marketers don’t understand how to differentiate. They try to please too many audiences and do too many things. Differentiation in your branding builds credibility and generates customer loyalty – which, in turn, drives growth.” (Crowdspring)

But, this do-everything strategy muddies your brand identity, isn’t sustainable, and isn’t effective.

Increased Customer Trust and Loyalty:

A strong brand identity fosters trust and loyalty among your customer base. When people can connect with your brand emotionally, they are more likely to choose your products or services over your competitors. Brand consistency, including messaging, visuals, and customer experience, builds credibility and establishes a sense of reliability. By consistently delivering on your brand promise, you can create loyal advocates who become repeat customers and spread positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Enhanced Brand Recognition and Recall:

Certainly, brands that invest in creating a solid identity enjoy better brand recognition and recall. Think of iconic logos like the Nike swoosh or Apple’s bitten apple; they are instantly recognizable and associated with their respective brands. Developing a memorable logo, choosing distinct brand colors, and crafting a consistent visual identity across various touchpoints (website, social media, packaging, etc.) reinforces your brand in the minds of consumers. This increases the likelihood of being recognized, remembered, and considered when purchasing.

Jemully stand out from the competition
Jemully stand out from the competition

Strategies for Creating a Strong Brand Identity:

a. First, Define Your Brand Strategy:

b. Next, Develop a Compelling Brand Story:

  • Create a narrative that communicates your brand’s purpose and resonates with your audience.
  • Highlight your business’s journey, values, and the problem you aim to solve.
  • Incorporate storytelling elements into your marketing materials to engage customers emotionally.
  • Check out Neil Patel’s video on how to create a compelling brand story.

c. Remember, Design a Distinctive Visual Identity:

  • Create a professional logo that captures the essence of your brand.
  • Select a color palette that reflects your brand personality and resonates with your target audience.
  • Ensure consistency in fonts, imagery, and visual elements across all brand touchpoints.

d. Deliver Consistent Branding:

  • Maintain a consistent tone of voice in all your communications.
  • Align your brand messaging with your core values and target audience.
  • Apply your brand identity consistently across all channels, from your website to social media platforms and offline marketing materials.

e. Lastly, Foster Brand Engagement:

  • Encourage customer feedback and actively listen to their opinions.
  • Engage with your audience through social media, blog posts, or email newsletters.
  • Create opportunities for customer interaction and participation to foster community around your brand.

In fact, in today’s fiercely competitive business landscape, a strong brand identity is indispensable for small businesses aiming to thrive and succeed. Small businesses can differentiate themselves, build customer trust and loyalty, and increase brand recognition by investing time and effort in developing a compelling brand strategy, crafting a distinctive visual identity, and delivering consistent branding. Embracing the power of a strong brand identity is a strategic move that propels small businesses toward sustainable growth and long-term success.

Kit Mullins Author
Kit Mullins
About the Author

Kit Mullins, co-owner of Jemully Media, LLC, has been a leader in digital marketing for more than twenty years. A writer, designer, and developer, Kit enjoys travel, photography, and Bible study. With six kids and fifteen grandkids, she has no choice but to find ways to be creative.