17 Business Books for a Trailblazing 2017

17 good business books for 2017

 At Jemully Media, one of our many New Year’s resolutions is to read more. Not just online reading—but actually cracking a good book that may impact our lives and our work. Read on for Jemully’s 2017 reading list comprising books on business, creativity, psychology, and many other topics, as well as a few words to the wise.

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Cinnamon Roll Muffins

cinnamon roll muffin recipe

Have a cinnamon roll muffin with us! Just the thing for a lazy winter weekend. Sleep in, then indulge in a sweet treat. Happy New Year from Jemully Media!

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Are You Done With Social Media?

done with social media jemully

“I’m done with social media.”

Every once in a while, we hear people say things to this effect. I know I’ve heard a variety of reasons, and undoubtedly many more exist. These are some of the more common ones:

  • The detox effect that comes with “unplugging,” even for just a little while
  • Putting social media out of sight and out of mind frees up our mental faculties
  • Potentially massive time savings make time for more productive activities
  • Recognizing that social media can bring out the worst in you, and then choosing to avoid it

These reasons are pretty substantial on paper, but I’m not really convinced that quitting social media actually works for any extended period of time without a zealous, unrelenting commitment. Social media isn’t a light switch to simply be turned off.Continue reading